Blog/EN New Zealand

"Windy Welly" Wellington, the Windy City

I live in Wellington, the capital of NZ, which is notorious for its strong winds.

In 2021, I was often at home due to the Corona disaster and had begun photographing the view from my window.

From the window with a view of the bay.
Many people enjoy sailing on weekends.

From a window with a view of a residential neighborhood.
A gas station with a total of over 2M views on TikTok.

A Brooklyn wind turbine stands overlooking the city of Wellington.

This is New Zealand's first commercial wind turbine, installed in 1993. The current one is the second.
It is one of Wellington's most beloved landmarks.

Public wind sculptures are everywhere in Wellington, but my favorite is this one.
The lean form. It is elegant. And unlike other works, it earns its own maintenance fees. It is wonderful.

In Wellington, there are more than 60 wind turbines in operation.
The amount of electricity generated is enough to cover the electricity needs of all Wellington households.

I am also working on a new wind-themed work here.

-Blog/EN, New Zealand